It's been a while since my last entry, completely swamped with group work, assessments, EXAMS (sigh). And it's not over yet. This is just a quick entry for anyone (though I doubt there are many) who follows my blog :)
A friend was in town recently, and I decided to give her a small gift. Cookie mix -in a jar. You can find the recipe on the links on the right hand side of this page if you are interested.
Gosh all I have to say is pack those ingredients in TIGHT. All the sugar fell through the gaps between the choc chips & I had to start over =( Here are the layers from top to bottom
-crushed nuts
-white choc chips
-milk choc chips
I left the choc chips and nuts last because they're optional and it's up to the discretion of the receiver as to whether they'd like to use them, or how much they'd like to use. I even made a label for the lid haha
And the cookies once they are baked...

This is a super cheap, quick and easy gift. Can't wait til xmas time, definitely making more! Though I have a feeling a few of my friends will just nibble the contents of the jar from the top. haha
I wonder how long the ingredients keep though? Oh and of course, this idea is completely credited to bakerella!